Tuesday, October 28, 2008


i came across this blog today that really spoke to me...

The Making of a Cosmo Girl: All Good Things…
One socially awkward girl attempts to transform into a sexy, social butterfly.

"I have to admit that my conception of the “Cosmo Girl” was a tad unrealistic from the start. I saw A fLaWLess Woman who was so beautiful and sexy that she had boys BeGGing to date her. She also had Money, Success, and Fame.
.........I came to realize that being a "Cosmo Girl" isn’t about all of that. It’s about being fun, fearless, getting in touch with your sexy side (even when you don’t have a man!), loving your friends, kicking ass at your job, and having dreams and goals. In a nutshell--being passionate about making your life the best it can be."

The words of this artist truly spoke to me today. As i continue to plan my weight loss regimen, and visit fears of lack of beauty, and insignificance everyday...i seem to find myself aspiring to be something that only changes the surface......BUT I WANT IT SO BADDLY! LOL.

Who doesn't want to be able to flaunt their hips like beyonce? And show off all your fabulous assets with hot colors and fits! i wanna be a girl...a real girl who just loves herself..like wickedly spoiled brat ought to do! lol.

Ha, however....its important to know that surface is nothing without the foundations to hold it up. You can still be the most beautiful girl in the world....and think you deserve nothing short of shit.

Well, from one socially awkward girl to the next...and to the now reformed. I wanna be able to enjoy myself...in all ways. I keep your words in my heart.

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