Saturday, December 13, 2008


Hows it going?
Well, it looks like i'll be cast in my first audition in which I knew no one and just went on my own. This is may be my first gig out of college.
I'm pretty proud of myself actually...

I did okay at the auditions, waiting for 2 1/2 hours just to have 5 minutes of their time is serious torture. But I did it, and then got called back. This is for the show RAGTIME, which will be up at the Astoria Performing Arts Center in Queens.

I really think this show is made for me. I really wanted the role of SARAH.
It was the first time that I allowed myself to have that passion, to want something so bad.
I did pretty well, I did some research and just went in there with as much passion as I could.

But it seems in this business, Passion is only one element. :(
If i'm cast, it will be for the ensemble. And although i'm grateful for this opportunity.
I can't help but feel a little upset about not being considered for Sarah.
I don't know if it was because my audition was bad, or because i'm not a union actress, or if I am just too short! Its tough not knowing. And its hard not getting what you want...

But, it does feel good to know that you did everything you could to get the part.
Now only, I walk into this with an open mind and heart, i've got more to learn.

And if I plan to be on broadway, i've got to learn it fast.
There's a lot of fucking people in my way. I'm too short to stomp on I've got to figure out another way around. :)
But I want it so bad. And i'm not afraid to feel that anymore.

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