Monday, February 16, 2009


This week is dedicated to DISCIPLINE.

I do not know what is going on in my life..but i've got to get it together.

Here's the deal.

1. I'm not feelin' well. I've been lounging around with stomach aches and pains for the past few days. So i've got to get to the doctor.

2. Money situation is scaring me. With the now confirmation that I'm moving out in June. I have to figure out how to get some money into savings asap. I'll need to find a new place to live, and clear out many debts. This is the biggest stress in my life. And its keeping me down under. Not onlly that, I can't afford to do what I need to for myself. I'm not eating right, i'm not getting the things that I need to take care of myself.

3. My career is in stiff/ stagnant waters.

So I'm dedicating each day this week to focusing on three things.

1. Health
2. Finding A Work/Job

3. Money Planning.

1 comment:

random said...

I remember this commercial. I think every woman should watch this, maybe so many women wouldn't have low self esteem.