Monday, August 15, 2011

The Real Journey Begins...


There is nothing better to me.. than seeing the road ahead. Something like this picture. The beautiful terrain ahead that you will have to tread in order to get to your destination. You might be scared, you might not be totally prepared, but you have no choice but to take the path forward. I look at this picture and I think of my life.

I think about my desires to lose weight and be healthy. And as I really partake in this new lifestyle.. I find that I am still missing that one thing..That one thing outside of healthy eating and exercising that is going to make me at my healthiest. And that is doing what I love to do.

My current work situation is not allowing me to walk the path. In fact, I feel entrapped, encaged, a prisoner to the mentality that I have to work hard for my money and work hard for my dreams. And yet, it is an endless cycle of work / pay bills / dream / work / pay bills /and dream some more. I realize that if I do not finally take a hold of my life and go for my dreams... I might never really be healthy.

The Body needs and craves nutrients. But it also needs a fulfillment of the soul, a mental and emotional fulfillment to know that it is meeting its purpose in life. I sit back and am astounded at the amount of people who are not living to their life's potential. Who are stuck in a "i gotta make money to survive" mentality. Its not right. This is not how life is supposed to be.

Well i'm done with it. I'm done with living miserably and only dreaming about what could be, while I collect BS checks from a corporation who gives not nearly two shits about my well being or my "journey".

The only person who can take the journey is me...
The only one who can take the first step is me...
The only person who can gain the faith to LEAP... is ME.

Its time now to stop surviving. And to start really living. This .. I believe.. will put me at my MOST healthiest. till next time.

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