Saturday, November 21, 2009

Healthy Ends Challenge Update: new relaxer

So Friday I had all intentions of going to the salon and getting my hair relaxed..BUT..i had a bit of an anxiety attack and really was afraid of having a salon stylist relax my hair..since the beginning of my hair journey in february..i have been self-relaxing. So on a last minute decision..i decided to self-relax with ORS no-lye olive oil relaxer.
I self-relaxed in two sections. then I neutralized about 4x and then left the protein in (ors replenishing pak). I walked down the block to the dominican salon and then asked them to rollerset for me. I also requested for a light trim..and I did love the results. I think this trim will really help me step up in the Healthy Ends my ends are looking a lot better. She so wanted to blow out my hair after it had been rollerset..but i shook my head no..tipped her..and ran out of there!
Loved the results!
Now that I have a fresh relaxer..I will be continuing on my healthy ends challenge. For the next few weeks i'll prob be wearing my hair down...more than usual..just to enjoy the length. But I do plain to continue with my moisturizer..HELong term. I prob won't use any heat at all..either airdry (sunshyne method) or i'll air dry with rollers. Also i'll be focusing on a nice protein treatment one week after this relaxer.

Last relaxer I stretched to 12 weeks.
This relaxer..I stretched to 14 weeks and 4 days.
In order to further progress my hair growth and health i am aiming to stretch a full 16 weeks. which would be around march 12 of 2010.

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