Monday, November 7, 2011

Last Week's Workout Log!

The last week of Oct, I had a week and a half hiatus of working out.
And i have been going through a lot with the family, including a recent death. Tragedies that are unexpected can really throw you off. So I decided not to guilt-trip myself about missing almost a week and a half..instead...i just pushed myself to get back in.

Wednesday. Nov. 2nd - Core Fusion Open w/Jeannine - taking Jeannine's class again and as always I really do love her teaching style. Its hard work, but she has such a pleasant energy. I am really starting to feel the results of my hard work up to this moment..even with a week off. During my week i enjoyed feeling the extra energy i had. And it is fun feeling my new body and the changes that it is going through. i had major anxiety before this class--similar to how it was for me in the beginning. But I pushed myself to do it and as always I feel so good about myself for accomplishing another workout! Another notch up towards my goal.

thats it. thats all i could get in.

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